Access Control

Badging systems & Software Systems
Complete access control system using photo identification badges. Photo IDs provide additional security for your facility by allowing other employees to visually validate the cardholder. Additional security is provided when the cardholder’s image is brought up on the security monitor providing instant verification when the card is not visible. In addition to software we can provide you with a full line of badging accessories.

Intercom Systems
Offers both audio and audio video Intercom systems. We offer a variety of products to meet both your budget and security needs that can help you manager access to your company.

Smart Cards
Contact and contactless Smart Card Readers that provide the ability to offer sophisticated access control solutions that can integrate with other enterprise functions such as logical access or financial transactions. TheSmart Card readers offer a multitude of styles, shapes, sizes and colors.

Web Based Access Control
Solutions that reduces time spent on installation, support and training. An ideal solution for customers who want to manage their own custom access control base but without the complicated issues of operating systems, software upgrades and server compatability issues. With ARA’s web-based Access Control Proudction, you can access and manage your system from any internet connection, anywhere and anytime.

Key Pad Entry
Entry to your facility for employees just got easier with simple but sophisticated key pad access products. Eliminate the need for keys while maintaining control of employee and supplier access. ARA Security Integrators offers products for both exterior and interior as well as mutliple door/gate entraces.

Biometric Readers
Technology-proven fingerprint and hand geometry readers enable security managers to ensure that the person with the card is the person to whom the card was issued. ARA Security Integrators Biometric solutions are encouraged for high-security facilities or locations within a facility.